Last updated:
01 September 2021
We are helping reduce the spread of Coronavirus and other winter illnesses by doing the following & things may seem different but it is necessary to keep everyone safe.
Please consider your journey to dance classes and ensure it is done in a safe manner, please refrain from car-sharing and if travelling on public transport please adhere to the government rules of wearing a mask and social distancing *Pupils are to come to Cowdray Hall with their dance uniform on and have a bag with their name clearly marked on the bag with their dance shoes in, and water bottle with name on, no pupils will be allowed to go barefoot. Please wear a tracksuit/ leggings on top which can easily be removed and put back on at end of class. If the weather is cold or wet please wear a coat which can then be put in their allocated place.
Please arrive at your child’s allocated class time no more than 10 minutes before start time, if you are early please remain in your car or at a social distance of 2 metres outside.
We will be following a one-way system
You will be met by a member of Dance2drama staff who will check you in- ask if you are well and if your details on the Health form are the same as previously given to Yvonne Browne.
On entry, Each dancer must use the Hand sanitiser when entering(pupils may bring their own)
All Pupils must line up at the front entrance of Cowdray Hall, using the 2-metre markings.
Children must socially distance themselves at all times and will be assigned a place to leave their bag/coat and shown which 3-metre space to go to.
There will be no physical contact between teacher and pupil and NO children will be holding hands
Equipment will be cleaned each day (such as acro mats, & ballet barres
Handles and switches will be cleaned with anti-viral wipes/spray
The floor will be washed with an anti-bacterial floor cleaner at the end of each session
Teachers will wash hands or use hand sanitiser between lessons and during if necessary.
“Catch it, Bin it, Kill it” - Children will be asked to use tissues provided and place them in bins and to wash hands after.
Pupils are advised to avoid touching the face, nose, or eyes.
Toilets will be available and will be used 1 at a time using the one-way system. Pupils must wash their hands after.
Whilst the risk to young healthy children remains low, we must remember each dancer may have a family member or friend that may be at a higher risk. We have to protect vulnerable people as much as we can. Anyone not following the above government guidelines will be asked to leave.
At the end of your child’s session, they will go to their belongings and get dressed then will be brought to parents at the Exit door on the right of the hall. Please ensure you are on time collecting as time will be needed to clean before the next group are allowed in. If you have any questions please either email, phone or text if you need to speak in person please let me know 24hrs in advance and I will arrange a meeting.
If your child is taken ill during class they will be moved to the allocated First aid area and you will be contacted immediately if symptoms appear Covid-19 related you must inform NHS 111 and parents will be contacted by track and trace if necessary and will take steps instructed to keep everyone safe.
If you or your child develop Covid-19 symptoms within 7 days of attending Dance2Drama classes you must alert Test, Track and Trace and inform Dance2drama who will then inform the Hall management. Please remember the facilities are also used by other groups and we need to keep areas clean and tidy, discarding of used tissues fully, etc
Dance2drama Performing Arts will continue to follow the advice of Public Health England. In the event we are informed that we need to close for a period, cancelled class fees will be deducted from the next invoice.
You will be informed immediately of any changes.
Thank you for your co-operation.
A full copy of the Covid-19 Risk assessment can be found at